

We’ve built dashboards to give a real-time bird’s eye view of the market prices and performance of tokens. We currently provide full-suite support for 13 chains. Our data is indexed in real-time on-chain as soon as the new blocks are detected, and all pairs are permissionlessly & automatically pulled from supported DEXes.

By selecting All at the top left corner, you can view all pairs belonging to the chains selected. Information such as USD price, price change, market cap, liquidity, volume, and APR are shown in columns.

Tip: Sort by what’s most important to you by clicking on each column name. The image above shows that it’s sorted by volume in descending order.

With Watchlist, you can curate the pairs to monitor. By simply clicking on ⭐ on the left side, it will populate your watchlist.

  • As a first-time user, we select all chains by default. But as a returning user, we’ll remember the chains you selected previously and show them (until you clear cache / use incognito).

Qn. What if I don’t like the way the Markets page looks?

Ans. Let’s introduce Settings your customisation toolbox. On top of Markets' Settings, we also have App Settings to display number and date format. You can toggle:

✔️ Verified pools: Only the official project or its representative has claimed them

✔️ Reliable pools: Pools with at least $1000 in liquidity

✔️ USD prices: Whether you like native price or USD, we have both

✔️ Display style: Prefer the old grid format? Fret not, we’ve got your back

✔️ Pools per page: Fill up the whole screen or prefer a minimalist style

✔️ Table columns: Only show the metrics you care about

Last updated